Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Post Apple EPS 1&4 hour Chart -

1 hour AAPL
The numbers are in... and they were good.. The market gods scared everyone into puts.. now the question is will these holders get crushed tomorrow or will Apple get faded off the open? 

Chances are if the tape is firm into the open tomorrow the indexes will fly. Nasdaq already up 31 handles. 

- APPLE 2Q REV. $39.19B, EST. $36.87B
- APPLE 2Q EPS $12.30, EST. $10.02

4 hour AAPL - notice the 550 level
- APPLE SEES 3Q REV. ABOUT $34B, EST. $37.49
- APPLE SEES 3Q EPS ABOUT $8.68, EST. $9.96