Las Vegas Sands Corp., Chairman and CEO Sheldon Adelson joined Bloomberg TV’s Deirdre Bolton on “Money Moves” today to discuss why he’s come out swinging against online gambling and said: “I think it is a train wreck. It’s really toxicity. It is a cancer waiting to happen.”
Adelson on poker being skill based: “That skill base is, in my opinion, just a bunch of baloney. To get a card is not skill base. I know people say it is skill based, but it’s just so they can categorize it in a certain segment”
On the argument that online gaming would bring in revenue to some states that desperately need it: “You could also make that argument for legalizing heroin and cocaine and prostitution. You can create a lot of sin tax for the government to make money.”
On his opinions of Governor Christie instituting online gaming In New Jersey:
“I don’t reward or punish politicians. It’s not my job. I’m only one vote, but that of my family. I do support a lot of politicians, but I do so because of their ideology and their sharing of values with me… I am not trying to be a dictator. I’m trying to live my live as a normal person.”