Friday, November 27, 2009
The straw that broke the camel's back (FAZ)
By Hedge Ly | 11/27/2009 01:38:00 AM |

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Goldman Sachs chart = a great use of screen real estate (GS)
By Hedge Ly | 11/24/2009 11:41:00 PM |
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Indicators which foretell the future? You don't say..(SPY)
By Hedge Ly | 11/21/2009 06:24:00 PM |

The first indicator i want to focus on is PREMium, a leading indicator, which is the spread between the S&P's futures & S&P's actual cash value. (A great explanation on how to read $PREM here) In a nut shell this leading indicator can help tell you where the S&P's(SPDRs) are going before they get there.
*I recommend reading this Interview with Hank Camp who is an expert in program trading & interpreting $PREM.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pre market musings for 11-18-2009
By Hedge Ly | 11/18/2009 08:15:00 AM |

You may or may not know this week is OPEX week, the 3rd Friday of every month is the special day where out sized gains can be made and or lost. Understanding the tape heading into Friday could mean a good month or bad month. If you remember last years November expiration the market was completely out of way, not one single person knew what the market was gonna do. That day i saw more incredible trading opps because A. short selling was banned B. stocks were falling and C. everyone was caught off guard. This three factors all played a vital role shaping the tape. My thoughts on this OPEX are either the market turns around slamming through downside strikes creating huge trading opps, or as we all know the market may just have its hand held all the way through Friday.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
SAC Capital sells 90% stake in Bank of America
By Hedge Ly | 11/17/2009 01:49:00 PM |

Now lets see if CNBC reports this story... sparks will fly if they do, much like Whitney's comments.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The melt higher. Scenario recognition. (BMY)
By Hedge Ly | 11/16/2009 02:41:00 PM |

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Friday, November 13, 2009
The Genzyme trade. Focus on key words like "garbage" (GENZ)
By Hedge Ly | 11/13/2009 02:59:00 PM |

Trades like these are risky but any FDA news can really move a bio tech/bio pharm stock HUGE causing volatility to go nuts and even better the market makers pull out of the options. When the market makers pull out of the options you know Sh*t is hitting the fan and even THEY do not know where this market will go.
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Fun friday reading..Vegas Nightclub files for BK
By Hedge Ly | 11/13/2009 07:59:00 AM |

This Vegas blow up is further proof this economy is sparing no one, maybe this is the tip of the iceberg? Remember when E-Trade said it had sub prime exposure? What happened after that.. all the skeletons came out of the closet across all companies and the market crashed. No more bets please. one more drink?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The biggest moves happen when you least expect them (GS)
By Hedge Ly | 11/12/2009 02:50:00 PM |
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
E-mini gunning the new "Cool" (SPY)
By Hedge Ly | 11/11/2009 01:12:00 PM |

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
"Victory for the Bulls!" Dow 25,000 here we come. (SPY)
By Hedge Ly | 11/09/2009 07:52:00 PM |
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Thursday, November 5, 2009
The UUP trade. Speculation meets supply & demand (UUP)
By Hedge Ly | 11/05/2009 09:49:00 PM |
Today when the shares began trading after the halt, price discovery began. The ETF's offers lifted on block buying eventually breaking violently higher on from what I believe was a reaction to possible hedging of sorts. The hedging in reaction to the massive call buying going down on the 23 strike right after the shares began trading. Big blocks were being snapped up like hand fulls of potato chips, why not they were "". Market makers countered by buying up shares of the stock causing shorts covering. Snow ball affect.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Remember those XHB call buys 2 weeks ago? They could be onto something..(XHB)
By Hedge Ly | 11/04/2009 09:00:00 PM |

further thoughts on the call buying: The housing industry, specifically home builders are, are in a world of crap. IF the call buys were in further out months with some out of the money calls being sold i would be a bit more bullish on the recovery. Until I see actual signs of recovery i wont make any bets like these unless they are intra day scalps or 1 -5 day directional bets using options as leverage.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
SPY chart update. You be the judge. I'll help paint the picture
By Hedge Ly | 11/03/2009 10:35:00 PM |
The blue circle at the bottom highlights increased volume in relation to the shares falling through the macro trend line(failure around 106). Looks like the next stop could be 101.68 level where we come to support at the 161 fib level from the 25% retrace point @ 88 PPS.
Interpret this chart as you will, just keep in mind this market has proven to be driven by technicals coinciding with changing market sentiment(like we have the recent week or so). Another not for the bulls, I agree we are a bit oversold on the daily, though we all know how these lower indicators can get all wound up and meaningless at extremes.
H1N1 - unemployment - retailers how are they correlated? (AMZN)
By Hedge Ly | 11/03/2009 02:37:00 PM |

Ok. So we all know the "swine" as it is known on the street is causing a ruckus among US citizens. The swine bombs timing is not good for retailers whom are being hit with consumer spending retraction. If combined with the apprehension of people not wanting to be around large groups for fear of contracting the "swine" retailers will take a double hit.
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Monday, November 2, 2009
NYSE penny pilot program rolled out 75 new names today (NYSE)
By Hedge Ly | 11/02/2009 03:04:00 PM |

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